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Saturday, August 31, 2013

August Goals Update

  • Lose at least 5 pounds. I keep losing and gaining the same 2 pounds over and over again.  I'm trying to decide what sort of exercising I want to do to try to bump that up (yoga, 30 Day Shred, etc.)
  • Read at least 2 books on my Kindle. Success! I read The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, and then I read/skimmed several of the cleaning/homemaking books from a 97 ebook bundle I bought a few months ago. 
  • Make snacks to have around each week. I made granola, which usually lasts for a couple weeks, and I made cherry scones (my first time making scones, and I should have done that sooner, because they're awesome!).  I would still like for this to become a more regular occurrence, but it's a start.
  • Do an overall decluttering. I added a few things to the donate bin as I came across them, but we definitely need to do more.
  • Start teaching the boys some of the songs from the liturgy so they can sing along at church. They sing the Alleluias, as well as part of "O Christ, Lamb of God".  Most of that they picked up on their own though. I think I need to come up with a schedule for myself of what we'll work on each week so that it actually gets done.
Overall, this month wasn't very successful, but that's okay.  I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head, and I need to actually sit down and write some specific plans out.  I've been mulling over doing a bit of preschool homeschooling with the boys to work on letters and numbers and simple Bible stuff, but I haven't jumped in because I'd like to have a plan first.  I guess making that plan needs to be one of my goals for September!

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