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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Books I've Read: September 2014

The bottom book is a phonics/reading curriculum I'm planning on using next year, The Ordinary Parent's Guide To Teaching Reading.  I read through the information in it, aside from the actual lessons, and it looks like a keeper!

Secrets Of A Successful Homeschool Mom by Jamie C. Martin.  I got this short ebook for free for subscribing to Simple Homeschool.  This was a quick read, but full of good advice and encouragement for just starting out to homeschool.  My favorite part was actually the Appendix, which gave a short description of each of the main homeschooling styles, all in one place, plus resources to read more about each one.  I will definitely be referring to that again to find more to read (you know, in all my spare time).

The Read-Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease.  I read a paper copy of this book from the library.  The theme of this book was that reading aloud to kids will save education.  The book was divided into two parts.  First was the "why", all the studies and reasons reading aloud is good, mixed in with interesting anecdotes.  My favorite story told how there used to be "readers" in cigar factories, whose entire job was to sit and read to the rest of the workers who were rolling cigars - anything from newspapers and magazines to novels.  This section was a good mix of facts and stories, and everything was backed up with end notes, if you wanted to see where the information came from.  Really really thorough.

The second part of the book was a bunch of lists of what the author deemed "good" read-aloud books for various age levels.  I actually didn't find this section as helpful as I expected to.  I wrote down a few suggestions, but overall I didn't necessarily find a lot for right now.  Maybe when my kids are a little bit older?  Since I agree with the idea that reading is really important, overall I thought this was a good book.

I also started reading Gone Girl and then went to renew my library copy and someone else had placed a hold on it. Bummer! So I'm back on the wait list for that again. The first sixty pages or so have me intrigued.

Book Total for this month: 2 books read. Total this year: 21 books read.

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